Daylight Saving Time Got You Down?


INDIANAPOLIS — Are you feeling extra sleepy today? It might be your body still trying to adjust to Daylight Saving Time. That doesn’t necessarily mean you need an extra coffee, though. Kaitlyn Wong, a dietitian with Community Health Network, says you should actually start your morning with water, to hydrate yourself.

“We wake up dehydrated,” she told WISH-TV. “And when you down that cup of coffee, you’re drinking something that will dehydrate you more, which will make more fatigued.”

Kaitlyn Wong dietitian
Community Health Network

She says after you drink water, and you still need caffeine to wake up, use it to your advantage and time it out, since it takes awhile to kick in.

“If you have that big meeting coming up, I would kind of time it right in that 30-60 minute window,” Wong said.

If you’re looking for other ways to give yourself more energy throughout the day, you can start with limiting your portion size when making lunch or dinner.

“If you eat smaller portions, your body doesn’t have to do as much work to digest the food,” Wong said. “You can focus more on the things you need to get done.”

She said an easy way to start is to just use a smaller plate when loading up with food.


Image by Gabe Raggio from Pixabay