Duke Energy Foundation Awarded Nearly $83,000 In Grants To Area Groups


TERRE HAUTE, Ind – On Tuesday afternoon Duke Energy Foundation handed out checks worth nearly $83,000 to organizations in Clay, Parke, Owen and Knox counties.

The Parke Trails Alliance was given $10,000 to support the Rosedale Phase III project that extends the trail network that runs along an abandoned railroad right-of-way.

Mark Davis from the Parke Trails Alliance

The Clay County Soil & Water conservation District received $18,000.  The money will be used to further the Clay County Indiana Native Tree Trial, a Native Prairie and Pollinator Planting and a Recycling Day in April 2020.

multiple representatives of the Clay Soil and Water Conservation District attended


The town of Edwardsport receives $27,500 to extend walking trails in Edwardsport.

Clerk Treasurer Connie Dinkins and Sr Supt James Newkirk of Edwardsport


In Owen County, the town of Spencer received $27,465 for the Green’s Bluff nature preserve to further the creation of pollinator-friendly habitat.

Angela Harris and Matt Baker of Owen County


Rick Burger of Duke Energy said that the funds did not come from rate payer bills but were from stoke holders.

A complete list of details about each site and project can be found below by clicking the link below.
