Sen. Ford asks Indiana to join other states in ending term limits


Indiana Sen. Jon Ford (District 38) has asked the state to attend a single purpose convention for the purpose of making term limits the law of the land.

Indiana Rep. Chris Jeter (District 88) is expected to introduce a similar resolution in the Indiana House.

Article V of the U.S. Constitution states that if 34 states meet for a single purpose convention “and present the proposal to the fifty states for ratification, it would have to be approved by 38 states in order to be written into the Constitution. The Term Limits Convention initiative is being spearheaded by the nonpartisan, nonprofit advocacy group U.S. Term Limits (USTL), states a press release from the USTL.

“The intention for our government was for citizens to actively participate in the democratic process,” said Philip Blumel, USTL President. “Unfortunately, career politicians in Congress have eroded that principle. Term limits will help ensure that public service is just that – a service to the public, not a career of self-interest.”

The idea of term limits is highly popular, according to a recent poll by Scott Rasmussen. It receives 87 percent support from Republicans, 83 percent support from Democrats and 75 percent support from Independents nationwide, according to the most recent national poll by Scott Rasmussen for the National Congressional Term Limits organization.