Over One Million Hoosiers Have Received COVID Vaccinations


INDIANAPOLIS — More than one million Hoosiers have received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine since late December.

A total of 1,000,321 individuals have received at least one dose, and 569,465 are fully vaccinated, the Indiana Department of Health said Monday.

“Getting 1 million vaccines in arms in just over two months is a game-changer, and it brings me indescribable hope. I am incredibly proud of our Indiana Department of Health, and how they and our local partners have rolled out the ‘It’s Our Shot, Hoosiers’ vaccination plan,” Governor Eric J. Holcomb said. “We are so fortunate that our health leaders had the foresight to build a centralized appointment system and companion 211 call center to schedule and vaccinate Hoosiers in an orderly, reliable manner.”

Vaccines are currently available to Hoosiers 60 and older, along with healthcare workers, long-term care residents, and first responders.

To schedule, visit ourshot.in.gov or call 211.

To date, 69% of Hoosiers 80 and older, 70% of those 70 to 70, and 49% of Hoosiers age 60 to 69 have scheduled a vaccine appointment or received their first dose of the vaccine.